Gradually and willingly I have accepted the necessary spirituality. I have developed skills and tools to help my many patients solve problems in various aspects of their lives such as:
I founded "Butterflies" with a deep belief in my skills and abilities to help other fellow human beings in distress. I drew encouragement from the positive feedback I had received from all my patients who flocked to me like butterflies to a source of light.
I accompany my patients personally assisting them in developing their own tools and abilities to help themselves.
What does it mean to "receive" tools? How does one "receive" tools? Those are questions I am being asked constantly. Some years ago a Rabbi (a person very dear to me) told me that soon I would "know" how to help other people.
When I started to feel that I have the ability to "translate" and to "see through" people I had never met before I accepted the tools and the heavy responsibility that comes with it.
The following is a list of various tools and types of treatment I use:
The purpose of my treatment is to help and to guide my patients in changing their present and their future. Duration of treatment depends on the individual patient and may last from one single session to as many as eight sessions.
Please call to make an appointment.
In addition to individual treatment I organize workshops and various events.
The following is a list of such workshops:
This is a natural skill that may be developed by training at this workshop. Purpose of
this workshop is to reach the subconscious and to sharpen our senses. Here we open the
"Third Eye" which is a tool to receive treatment information during this workshop as
well as in the future.
Purpose of this workshop is to learn how to listen and respond to your child's / children's
needs as well as to be able to transfer various perceptions to them using touch therapy.
These meetings are intended to create a healthy bond between parents and their child /
children in the everyday reality of the parents' often hectic schedule.
Preparedness for Exams (including Bagrut Examinations)
Purpose of this workshop is to boost self-confidence before exams enhancing the
ability to concentrate and the ability to cope with stress before and during exams,
eliminating negative thoughts and the sense of helplessness. This is achieved by guided
imagery in order to improve personal potential and self-realization.
Please keep in touch for information about future workshops (e-mail link and personal data).
This is a partial list of some delightful events I organize on request:
General activities recommended for events:
* At the end of each event every participant receives a personal gift.
There is a possibility to combine various additional subjects on request such as natural cosmetics, make-up, jewelry, mysticism products and various other subjects in alternative medicine.
I use various tools and appliances to create the ambiance necessary for the participants to experience a highly enjoyable and enchanting event.
Please call me. I will be glad to advise you to prepare that very special event just for you.
I wish everyone to discover himself / herself and to enjoy his / her life to the fullest.
For information and details turn to:
Gradually and willingly I have accepted the necessary spirituality. I have developed skills and tools to help my many patients solve problems in various aspects of their lives such as:
I founded "Butterflies" with a deep belief in my skills and abilities to help other fellow human beings in distress. I drew encouragement from the positive feedback I had received from all my patients who flocked to me like butterflies to a source of light.
I accompany my patients personally assisting them in developing their own tools and abilities to help themselves.
What does it mean to "receive" tools? How does one "receive" tools? Those are questions I am being asked constantly. Some years ago a Rabbi (a person very dear to me) told me that soon I would "know" how to help other people.
When I started to feel that I have the ability to "translate" and to "see through" people I had never met before I accepted the tools and the heavy responsibility that comes with it.
The following is a list of various tools and types of treatment I use:
The purpose of my treatment is to help and to guide my patients in changing their present and their future. Duration of treatment depends on the individual patient and may last from one single session to as many as eight sessions.
Please call to make an appointment.
In addition to individual treatment I organize workshops and various events.
The following is a list of such workshops:
This is a natural skill that may be developed by training at this workshop. Purpose of
this workshop is to reach the subconscious and to sharpen our senses. Here we open the
"Third Eye" which is a tool to receive treatment information during this workshop as
well as in the future.
Purpose of this workshop is to learn how to listen and respond to your child's / children's
needs as well as to be able to transfer various perceptions to them using touch therapy.
These meetings are intended to create a healthy bond between parents and their child /
children in the everyday reality of the parents' often hectic schedule.
Preparedness for Exams (including Bagrut Examinations)
Purpose of this workshop is to boost self-confidence before exams enhancing the
ability to concentrate and the ability to cope with stress before and during exams,
eliminating negative thoughts and the sense of helplessness. This is achieved by guided
imagery in order to improve personal potential and self-realization.
Please keep in touch for information about future workshops (e-mail link and personal data).
This is a partial list of some delightful events I organize on request:
General activities recommended for events:
* At the end of each event every participant receives a personal gift.
There is a possibility to combine various additional subjects on request such as natural cosmetics, make-up, jewelry, mysticism products and various other subjects in alternative medicine.
I use various tools and appliances to create the ambiance necessary for the participants to experience a highly enjoyable and enchanting event.
Please call me. I will be glad to advise you to prepare that very special event just for you.
I wish everyone to discover himself / herself and to enjoy his / her life to the fullest.
For information and details turn to:
פירוש חלומות שקשורים לעין הרע
עין הרע? האם נתקלתם בעבר במושג עין הרע? לרבים מכם מדובר בעוד סטיגמה לא נעימה אולם לרבים מאיתנו מדובר בדרך חיים של אמונה בצל העין הרע. כמה מכם נוהגים לומר "בלי עין הרע" והאם יש קשר לפעילות של מגיה שחורה?
במאמר זה אנסה לסקור זווית מיוחדת שקשורה במסרים של פירוש חלומות עם עין הרע אולם לא אסקור את נושא המגיה השחורה שבניגוד למגיה הלבנה שמעבירה אנרגיה טהורה שנועדה לריפוי הנשמה והגוף המגיה השחורה פוגעת בנשמה והורסת. להמשך קריאה חלומות עין הרע..
קבלת קהל
תל אביב - מרכז שרון ושפלה
גן יבנה - דרום ושפלה
באר שבע - דרום
דיגיטל פורס - בנייה וקידום אתרים פרסום בפייסבוק תנאי שימוש באתר